missing-final-newline / C0304#

Message emitted:

Final newline missing


Used when the last line in a file is missing a newline.

Problematic code:

# using LF

eat("apple", "candy")  # \n
print(123)  # EOF

# using CRLF

eat("apple", "candy")  # \r\n
print(123)  # EOF
# [missing-final-newline]

Correct code:

# using LF

eat("apple", "candy") #  \n
print(123)  # \nEOF

# using CRLF

eat("apple", "candy")  # \r\n
print(123)  # \r\nEOF

Additional details:

The POSIX standard defines a line as:

"A sequence of zero or more non- <newline> characters plus a terminating <newline> character."

Related links:

Created by the format checker.