
pyreverse analyzes your source code and generates package and class diagrams.

It supports output to .dot/.gv, .puml/.plantuml (PlantUML) and .mmd/.html (MermaidJS) file formats. If Graphviz (or the dot command) is installed, all output formats supported by Graphviz can be used as well. In this case, pyreverse first generates a temporary .gv file, which is then fed to Graphviz to generate the final image.

Running Pyreverse

To run pyreverse, use:

pyreverse [options] <packages>

<packages> can also be a single Python module. To see a full list of the available options, run:

pyreverse -h

Example Output

Example diagrams generated with the .puml output format are shown below.

Class Diagram

Class diagram generated by pyreverse

Package Diagram

Package diagram generated by pyreverse

Creating Class Diagrams for Specific Classes

In many cases creating a single diagram depicting all classes in the project yields a rather unwieldy, giant diagram. While limiting the input path to a single package or module can already help greatly to narrow down the scope, the -c option provides another way to create a class diagram focusing on a single class and its collaborators. For example, running:

pyreverse -ASmy -c pylint.checkers.classes.ClassChecker pylint

will generate the full class and package diagrams for pylint, but will additionally generate a file

Package diagram generated by pyreverse