suppressed-message / I0020ΒΆ

Message emitted:

Suppressed %s (from line %d)


A message was triggered on a line, but suppressed explicitly by a disable= comment in the file. This message is not generated for messages that are ignored due to configuration settings.


This message is disabled by default. To enable it, add suppressed-message to the enable option.


By default, this message will not fail the execution (pylint will return 0). To make pylint fail for this message use the --fail-on=I0020 option or --fail-on=I to fail on all enabled informational messages.

Problematic code:

### This is a contrived example, to show how suppressed-message works.
### First we enable all messages
# pylint: enable=all

### Here we disable two messages so we get two warnings
# pylint: disable=locally-disabled, useless-suppression # [suppressed-message, suppressed-message]

### Here we disable a message, so we get a warning for suppressed-message again.
"A"  # pylint: disable=pointless-statement # [suppressed-message, suppressed-message]

Correct code:

"""Instead of a single string somewhere in the file, write a module docstring!"""

Additional details:

suppressed-message is simply a way to see messages that would be raised without the disable in your codebase. It should not be activated most of the time. See also useless-suppression if you want to see the message that are disabled for no reasons.

Created by the main checker.