too-many-locals / R0914

Message emitted:

Too many local variables (%s/%s)


Used when a function or method has too many local variables.

Problematic code:

from childhood import Child, Sweet

def handle_sweets(infos):  # [too-many-locals]
    # Create children
    children = [Child(info) for info in infos]
    number_of_sweets = 87
    sweets = [Sweet() * number_of_sweets]
    number_of_sweet_per_child = 5
    money = 45.0
    sweets_given = 0
    time_to_eat_sweet = 54
    price_of_sweet = 0.42
    # distribute sweet
    for child in children:
        sweets_given += number_of_sweet_per_child
    # calculate prices
    cost_of_children = sweets_given * price_of_sweet
    # Calculate remaining money
    remaining_money = money - cost_of_children
    # Calculate time it took
    time_it_took_assuming_parallel_eating = (
        time_to_eat_sweet * number_of_sweet_per_child
        f"{children} ate {cost_of_children}¤ of sweets in {time_it_took_assuming_parallel_eating}, "
        f"you still have {remaining_money}"

Correct code:

from typing import NamedTuple

from childhood import Child, Sweet

class SweetDistrubutionCharacteristics(NamedTuple):
    number_of_sweets: int
    number_of_sweet_per_child: int
    number_of_children: int

    def sweets_given(self):
        return self.number_of_sweet_per_child * self.number_of_children

def handle_sweets(infos):
    children = [Child(info) for info in infos]
    characteristics = SweetDistrubutionCharacteristics(87, 5, len(children))
    _allocate_sweets_to_children(children, characteristics)
    financial_impact = _assess_financial_impact(characteristics)
    print(f"{children} ate {financial_impact}")

def _allocate_sweets_to_children(
    children, characteristics: SweetDistrubutionCharacteristics
) -> None:
    sweets = [Sweet() * characteristics.number_of_sweets]
    for child in children:
        child.give(sweets[characteristics.number_of_sweet_per_child :])

def _assess_financial_impact(characteristics: SweetDistrubutionCharacteristics) -> str:
    time_to_eat_sweet = 54
    money = 45.0
    price_of_sweet = 0.42
    cost_of_children = characteristics.sweets_given * price_of_sweet
    remaining_money = money - cost_of_children
    time_it_took_assuming_parallel_eating = (
        time_to_eat_sweet * characteristics.number_of_sweet_per_child
    return (
        f"{cost_of_children}¤ of sweets in "
        f"{time_it_took_assuming_parallel_eating}, you still have {remaining_money}"

Configuration file:

max-locals = 11

Additional details:

Having too many locals may indicate that you're doing too much in a function and that classes regrouping some attributes could be created. Maybe operations could be separated in multiple functions. Are all your variables really closely related ?

Created by the design checker.