useless-suppression / I0021ΒΆ

Message emitted:

Useless suppression of %s


Reported when a message is explicitly disabled for a line or a block of code, but never triggered.


This message is disabled by default. To enable it, add useless-suppression to the enable option.


By default, this message will not fail the execution (pylint will return 0). To make pylint fail for this message use the --fail-on=I0021 option or --fail-on=I to fail on all enabled informational messages.

Problematic code:

fruit_counter = 0

# pylint: disable-next=redefined-outer-name
def eat(fruit_name: str):  # [useless-suppression]

Correct code:

fruit_counter = 0

def eat(fruit_name: str): ...

Created by the main checker.