
pyreverse is a powerful tool that creates UML diagrams from your Python code. It helps you visualize:

  • Package dependencies and structure

  • Class hierarchies and relationships

  • Method and attribute organization

Output Formats

pyreverse supports multiple output formats:

  • Native formats:
    • .dot/.gv (Graphviz)

    • .puml/.plantuml (PlantUML)

    • .mmd/.html (MermaidJS)

  • Additional formats (requires Graphviz installation):
    • All Graphviz output formats (PNG, SVG, PDF, etc.)

    • pyreverse first generates a temporary .gv file, which is then fed to Graphviz to generate the final image

Getting Started

Check out the Usage guide to learn about available options, or see Example Output for sample diagrams and common use cases.